The design style for this website was intended to be colourful and
playful to appeal to a younger audience. The three sections each use a
different colour not only for the menu buttons but throughout the
separate pages to highlight each sections unique functionality and
The use of a timeline in the “Discover” section helps show each
inventions placement in time in a way that is visual, interesting and
engaging for the user. The addition of two facts about each invention
appeals to the learning style of the younger audience by keeping it
exciting and simplistic without over complicating.
The “Play” component of the websites acts as a continuation from the
“Discover” section. It features two rows of boxes which are each
linked to a different century of inventions and cycles through all 26
inventions which need to be sorted. The simple layout, exciting
animations and sound effects add to the enjoyment and gamifies the
experience for the user.
The “Champion’s Quiz” consists of ten randomly chosen questions from a
list of fifteen and gives the user fifteen seconds to answer each.
This section features three answer boxes that highlight accordingly
depending on how the user answers the question through colour and
shape. The line at the bottom of the content conveniently details how
far through the questions the user is.