Battery Diagnostics Application for macOS
Project Description
JACOB (“Justified Approach for Charging Older Batteries”) is a macOS application for understanding and diagnosing battery issues present on a MacBook laptop. The app highlights many important battery health details such as actual charge, cycles and the estimation of discharge and full charge times. JACOB can also be used to test the drainage of the laptop’s battery which is shown on a plot graph in the Plot section of the application. I focussed entirely on the design for this project with the final working application being created using Xcode.
Design Overview
The design of the JACOB application was based on the Apple macOS design language with consideration for their interface guidelines. The font and colour choices were chosen from the guidelines for consistency with the operating system and are kept minimal with a focus on reds and greens to highlight positive and negative interface details. I took layout inspiration from many Apple applications such as the Mac App Store and System Preferences, ensuring it felt instantly familiar to the user while also adding my personal touch to create some uniqueness.
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